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Meet Ivy, Fern & Zachery Quack

We'd love to introduce you to our 3 gorgeous Bantam Saxony ducks - Ivy, Fern & Zachery Quack (Yes like the Hairy Maclary book).


We've absolutely fallen in love with this trio and we're so excited to soon be welcoming their babies.

If you'd like to add some lovely Saxony's to your yard, please email us so we can add you to the waitlist and we'll be in touch when they arrive.


About Saxony Ducks


Origin: Saxony, Germany

Egg Production: 190 to 240 eggs per year

Starts Laying: Around 26 weeks (6 months)

Egg Colour: White and occasionally pale green (both our girls lay pale green) 

Egg Size: Large to extra large

Primary Purpose: Egg laying and meat production (Our trio are for eggs, garden pest control & visual delight)

Conservation Status: Threatened

Our ducks

Temperament - Like most Saxony ducks, our trio are docile and a joy to have around. Some people describe them as loud but we haven't found that to be the case at all. They quietly quack to each other while foraging and swimming whcih you can hear in the video above. The only time we hear proper quacks is when they have been spooked. 

Ducklings - our ducklings are all hand raised by us and our young son so they are used to being snuggled and around people. Our ducklings have also been around our dog so if you have a dog that is fine with poultry they shouldn't be too scared of your pup either. 

Eggs - through the Spring our girls lay every day producing lovely large, pale green eggs that taste very similar to a chicken egg. Some people describe duck eggs as very rich but no one can seem to tell there difference between the egg type on the plate. 

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